Lakes around Mt Hood National Forest

There are lot of beautiful lakes around Mt. Hood National Forest , and I have visited few of them in the past couple of years. From each lake you can see a different views of the Mt. Hood. We can reach Mt.Hood National Forest through multiple routes,  going through Portland, take I-84 E/ The Dalles, and then take exit 16 for 238th Dr towards Wood village and Sandy town or by taking exit 64 for Mt.Hood Hwy just before Hood River. I have been on both these routes and I prefer the Mt.Hood Hwy because of the splendid picturesque driveway of both Mt.Hood and Mt.Adams. Most of the lakes required a Nortwest forest pass or parking fee.

Lost lake: This lake is near a small beautiful town called Hood river. We can a see the reflection of the Mt.Hood in this lake.

Campers would love this place, as there is umpteen number of spots for camping, also swimming and involve yourself in kayaking too. You can walk on the trails to see different views of the lake.

Lost Lake

Wahtum lake: This lake is near to the Lost Lake and in remote part of the forest. Pacific crest trail (PCT) pass through this lake. We can reach this lake by car or hike. We did camping twice at this place, it has only 6 camp sites so it will be very quiet. You can  go through the PCT to see a Mt. Hood, Mount rainier, and St. Helens.

Wahtum lake

Mirror Lake: One of the most popular hikes in Mt. Hood National Forest. To view this Lake, you should hike ~5miles which has an elevation gain of ~780 feet. Once you reach the lake, you can see Mt.Hood and its reflection on the Lake. You can trail along the lake to find the best spots to capture the reflection of Mt.Hood. It is good if the wind is low, so you can take good reflection pictures of MT.hood.

Mirror Lake

Trillium Lake: Yet another beauty, amazing views of Mt.Hood and this lake is very close to the Government camp. You can camp near the lake and stroll around staring at Mt.Hood. You can see the reflection of Mt.Hood in this lake also. I have visited multiple times this lake, One time, i got up early in the morning and went to this lake to take sunrise photo. I waited for almost 1hr to get the perfect shot of the mountain reflection during sunrise. Lot of people visit this place for camping, boating and fishing. This lake is closed during the winter for couple of months and open around in May but only for ski, snow shoeing till the snow has melted.

Trillium lake

Clear Lake: This lake is near to the Trillium lake. This place also offers camping, boating and fishing.

Frog Lake: This lake  is also near to the Trillium lake. We can either hike to reach this lake or can go in car on a dirt road. This place also offers camping and fishing.

Twin lakes: We have to hike this place from frog Lake. This lake is remote  and very quiet.

Twin Lake

Timothy Lake: This lake is also near to the Trillium lake. One of the largest lake i have seen in Mt.Hood National forest. This place also offers camping and fishing, there is also dam on the lake.

Timothy Lake

There are few more lakes like Little crater lake and burnt lake are in Mt.Hood National Forest. These spots are good visit and enjoy.